Do I need to write “V Kanon here” when this is obviously my blog…
ok, V Kanon here xD since this is only my second post ‘w’..
This post will be another “if you travel with V Kanon” post OwO
Last week was Golden week holiday in Japan? While in Indonesia, it was a long-weekend holiday
My family and I decided to take a short trip to Hong Kong, from Wednesday night (4th of May) until the Sunday (8th)
I’m going to name Wednesday as DAY0 again xD in the evening, we took an-hour plane ride to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and stayed there for a night, purely transit as we didn’t go to the city. When we reached there, it was like already 10pm? since there’s an-hour time difference between Medan and KL
(P.S I only eat fast-food when I’m overseas ’w’.. and i ordered double-cheese burger with medium fries and ice lemon tea *w*)
With only 4hrs sleep, me and my cousin head down to McDonald again for breakfast xD
DAY 1!!!
I rarely wake up before 10am when I’m in Medan so again, McBreakfast is like truly rare for me (?)
But I don’t like bacon nor sausage, so only 2 pancakes that comes with free hash brown with hot tea /picky-V-is-PICKYYYY

Of course I didn’t put on contact-lens since it would hurt my eyes, caused by lack of sleep xD
I brought koro-sensei along with me~! I got this from a friend last year, during AFAID 2015 xD
I’m not a fan of yellow, but I love koro-sensei <3 (and funassyi!!)
The red one is my sister’s belonging xD I could’ve stole it since IT IS SO FLUFFY!!
After 4 hours plane-ride and an-hour bus ride, we reached our hotel at Tsim Sha Tsui. It was around 3pm, but I was so high (despite the lack of sleep HAHA)
but hunger is hunger (?) my tummy can’t defeat my mental strength (?)
C-cause I had KFC as first meal in HK :x 2 fried chicken set that comes with drink and something like baked rice OwO
oh yeah! I didn’t see French Fries in the menu at all OwO..But I like the idea of using plastic-gloves <3
It’s not that i’m lazy to wash my hands (though this is half-true since i have dry skin TT_TT) but I think it’s more hygienic for people who grow their nails long OwO..
First store I went was…. ANIMATE (t-the real writing is all small-letter though xD)
see that sparkling eyes and wide smile of mine xD
Actually, the moment i heard from my mum that we’d be going to HK, I went to google-san and asked (typed) ‘Anime Hong Kong Shopping’ and was damn happy when I learn that animate is there xD
they had a shrine? for princess Maki’s birthday last month <3
animate was in Mong Kok area, where I had to ride train from Tsim Sha Tsui but only 3 stops away~!
The store had 2 level but to be honest, it was pretty small OwO..comparing to the one in Taiwan
And not much new stuff but it’s only one of the anime merchandise shops around Mong Kok so I still enjoyed it xD
I tried to control myself to not get the bears and the costumes TwT
(FYI I would get Mikaze Ai, the basketball uniform and FREE set <3)
t-the staff understands that fujo loves this scene <3
After animate, I went to Sino Centre, pretty far from animate but this 4-level building is like Otaku heaven *_*
anime merchandise shops (bag, keychain, eye cover, pen, notebook, towel etc), manga, CDs, figurines, gundam, even some idol merchandise OwO
I-i was so immersed in looking around that I forgot to take a single picture but….
these are my loots for the first day..
not much eh? It simply means i wanna go back there xD
Anyway, the 3 sailor moon pens were from animate OwO
flumpool’s best CD..Oh yea, like Taiwan, I find stuff imported from Japan as quite affordable in Hong Kong OwO I guess it’s because of the shipping fee and demand OwO
Then…Funassyi Racoon?! It’s for my friend
The eye cover….anyone recognize who is it!?
And anyone can recognize the manga that i bought? OwO
the last part of the day..I met Pompompurin again, after a week of not (?) xD
can you spot me?
#teammegane (?)
My hotel was nearby two malls, miramall and The One.
The One was having Pompompurin event~!
it was like 6hours since KFC and here I had fast-food again TwT tomato-sauce spaghetti, chesse-pizza and peperonni-pizza~! The pizza was damn nice though <3 but honestly I DIDN’T EXPECT HK’s PORTION TO BE THAT BIG
B-but #whatisdieting when you are travelling /cries xD
DAY 2!! I guess I’m addicted with panorama picture taking xD
OCEAN PARK!! One of the tourist attractions in HK <3 I didn’t go Disney Land and decided to only visit Ocean Park
it was cloudy one second and sunny another second…the sun was so TSUN that day xD
Ocean Park is a combination of a zoo (there are a lot of animals but they stay indoor), aquarium, water rides and thriller rides OwO
Do you like Panda? May be the only thing I have in common with Panda is dark circles =w= (?)
PENGUIN!!! T-the showcase area was smelly though xD and damn cold ._.
ain’t this a cutey <3
two cuties /runs
Maware maware merry go round~
la la la la la love song~
oh yea, it was a friday so it wasn’t too crowded :D no long queue for rides~!
I had fast-food again for lunch at Ocean Park TwT 2 fried chicken with french fries set and had waffle and popcorn but a feast for dinner! >D
SABOTEN!!! One of my favorite Japanese restaurants <3
pork-katsu set <3 when i tried Saboten for the first time last year (Singapore), the pork-katsu set caught my heart!! I’m the type who likes to order only what I love and rarely try something new? xD
I love the store’s self-made goma-sauce (made of sesame) and katsu-sauce <3
and for dessert..
this is one of HK’s famous dessert stores, named HuiLauShan, famous for mango treats <3
What I ordered consist of mango juice, real mango fruit, glutinous rice balls anddd the one in the middle is actually durian OwO <3
I honestly didn’t finish 2 slices of katsu at Saboten but when my family asked whether i’d like to join for dessert or not, i agreed with not even a second of consideration plus finished the whole mango treat <3 xD
DAY 3!!!
I went back to Mong Kok!! Because there was Hot Toys exhibition xD
I did go to watch the movie O_O s-so i’m half a weeb (?)
the exhibition was in a mall named moko. it has been going on since april? thus a lot of stuff has been sold-out though OwO..
Japanese curryyyyyy <3
I saw quite a lot of Izumi Curry outlets around, so I was tempted to try xD
It’s not as thick as CoCo ICHIBANYA but it still have a very great fragrance <3
I ordered Cheese Hamburger set with additional half-boiled egg!
Usually I’d order katsu-curry in CoCo but that day, it was my first meal of the day so i was extra hungry xD
and since i was in Mong Kok… DEFINITELY I WENT BACK to animate and Sino centre xD
I honestly contemplated to get these or not /fujo-detected
I actually saw these last time at Taiwan and kinda regret not getting these back then but…
I decided to control myself again xD b-because i still prefer 2D..
and it won’t bring any help to me, since i’m not even an illustrator xD
a lot of doujin in animate too~!
if i had time, i think i’d check every single book there and decide which to get but I had another appointment xD
Again, I didn’t take a picture of Sino Centre since it was damn packed on Saturday that there were shops that I even couldn’t get into TwT
But my fujoshi desire was satisfied with my loots xD
I got at thing each from my all time favorite “fujo-side” anime xD
- FREE Eternal Summer fan book.
- FREE 1000 pieces puzzle….I’m damn troubled about where to set the puzzle at currently s-since I don’t want to set it on the floor (like my Magi and Pretty Cure puzzles) but my table also filled with Youkai Watch puzzle already /cries
- Kuroko no Basket collaboration specs *w* there’s this shop in Sino Centre that sells “anime collaboration” specs (they had specs from SnK, SAO and Hatsune Miku -> not an anime i know :x) as well as Japanese-imported contact lens (circle lense with hello-kitty, sailor moon etc)
- Utapri fan book *^* I don’t feel satisfied if i don’t buy something Utapri related
I also bought
- Ring hook for my that i can be more at ease, to not drop my phone when taking selfies!?
- Genos eye cover xD
SaitamaXGenos OTP…I shall be my own OTP /slapped
went to HuiLaoShan again before dinner xD
This time I tried the one with mango juice, mango real fruit and sago
I prefer this one, since the white balls yesterday was quite hard to chew (it’s not that i’m lazy to chew or anything!! don’t get the wrong idea!! :x)
behind my mango sago is mango mochi and it was damn tasty <3
Oh yea, I tied ponytail after quite sometime of not xD
I don’t hate ponytail ain’t so comfortable when I travel with car..since it won’t be possible for me to lean back my head..
so i’m forever #teamtwintail /escapes
Tsim Sha Tsui at night!!
Ok, half-true, since this was taken in front of the ice cream shop nearby my hotel xD it’s called LIQUID NITROGEN ICE CREAM
unlike any other ice cream shop, this outlet only sell 4 types of ice creams. but these 4 are only available for 3 weeks (if i remember correctly @w@), which mean there’s new menu every month!
I tried choice B, which is sea-salt gelato with caramel sauce OwO
I expected it to be something like salted-caramel but it didn’t taste like that!! The gelato had stronger milky taste instead of salty taste xD and the caramel sauce actually taste more like honey, which made me feel that i chose the right one /applause
The biscuit-like thingy didn’t give me much impression though..had some salt sprinkled on them but it was alright i guess, since i don’t have a complain about it xD
And DAY3 was my last day in HK!!
I shall name DAY4 as DAY0 back!? Cause I didn’t have a single picture and I left the hotel early! I didn’t even have enough sleep (ok not anyone’s fault, I was immersed in reading manga :x) and skipped hotel’s breakfast
DAY4 was like:
10 am -> left hotel
—sleep in the road toward airport, around an hour—
11.30 am -> had Burger King whopper Jr set with fries and lemon tea (McD checked, KFC checked, and now BK checked xD)
12.40 pm -> boarded plane
—sleep in the plane, around an hour—
2 pm -> woke up in plane to have lunch, read manga, getting ready to sleep again
—sleep in the plane, for around 2 hours—
5 pm -> reached KL, had Peanut-butter-toast and barley
6 pm -> boarded plane
—sleep in the plane for another hour—
Question: how many times did i sleep in DAY4? xD
but i’m glad that there won’t be jetlag as HK time is just an-hour faster than Medan’s xD
I’ll be out from the city again in less than 2 weeks, so i shall restore my energy and finish my work before my next trip!! >D
My next post will be with “know-more-about-VKanon” tag I guess xD
Yosha!! Being busy is a good thing >D
Thanks for reading!! And enjoy the rest of your week <3
And here I am trying to post a comment again
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