Sunday, 15 May 2016

V's cosplay journey

Before hand, lemme say something..
I suck at naming my posts /cries
Thus my title says it all xD

Last week, 8th of May, I was featured in one of the local Medan (Indonesia) papers, as a cosplayer! 
Tama from Gugure Kokkuri-san! Picture by Pictorial Works (2016)

Since it's in Bahasa Indonesia, I decided to translate it to English here, including some extra comments!
(from top to bottom)
Minami Kotori from Love Live. Picture by Ich Photo De' (CLAS:H Medan 2016)
Inori Yuzuriha from Guilty Crown. Picture by Shutter_Fingers (2015)
Stephanie Dola from No Game No Life. Picture by Fuku Taka (AFASG 2016 Day 2)

V Kanon, Cosplayer from Medan who reached top 14 in Singapore
(V Kanon Coser Medan Tembus 14 Besar Di Singapura)

Cosplay is Costume Play, where one wears costume to portray his/her favourite character. The character may originate from comic book, anime, movie, cartoon, as well as real person such as famous artist.

"Unlike Halloween, Cosplay focuses more toward the character that is being portrayed, starting from the physical look such as hair colour, eye cool, facial expression, pose as well as psychology side," said V Kanon, a coser from Medan who reached top 14 in Singapore.

I have a verification to make here xD
The original article wrote "top 14 Cosplay Competition in Singapore" but it wasn't exactly what I said during the interview
I've never joined any Cosplay Competition, but I was chosen as one of the top 14 finalists of Asia Anisong-Singer Audition which was held during AFASG 2014. I was chosen via my singing cover of Ari no Mama de (Japanese version of Let it Go)
I still can feel sad when remembering that I wasn't chosen for the top 5 ;____; but it was a lesson for me!
I know that back then, my vocal wasn't as good as now (I still have a lot of room for improvement even now!) but I believe my choice of song was the biggest problem.
I should've just sang Ari no Mama de, instead of choosing Rinrei (Cross Ange's first ending, sang by Eri Kitamura). Rinrei has quite a sudden entrance, meaning there's only a beat/note before the lyric comes, thus I was unprepared, plus I was definitely nervous that day

V Kanon, who is fluent in Japanese, as well as able to compose and arrange songs, admit that she likes character X because even though character X looks cute, she is actually a great fighter.

This was one of the examples I've given regarding my saying of psychology side of a character does matter in Cosplay.

Morgiana from Magi. Picture by Pictorial Works (2014)

Krista Lenz from Attack of the Titan. Picture by Faivon Creative Works (2016)

Actually, according to V Kanon, Cosplay isn't limited to Japanese anime nor comic book character only, since currently, there are a lot of characters from Disney, Marvel, that there are also various type of characters that can be portrayed; from students, princesses, idols and fighters.

Felicita from La storia della Arcana Famiglia. Picture by PetiteEtoile Photography (2015)
Fighter Princess >D

V Kanon, coser that was born in Singapore, is very proud of the growth of Cosplay in Indonesia, that is famous for Armor Cosplay.

Her pride is not only because material is cheaper in Indonesia, but the skill and talent of Coser who make their own costumes, as well as the growth of crowd during Cosplay events.

"I am very happy and hope that through the events, more people can appreciate and support the talent of each Coser," V Kanon said, while mentioning that the number of events in Medan has been increasing as well.

CLAS:H Medan 2015 <3

V Kanon also hope that the public can understand the Coser is not Clown. Being a Coser isn't easy, as it takes time (not only making the costume but styling wig, make-up, etc), money, energy and idea (photoshoot concept, transportation, etc).

From her own experience of practising this hobby, she does feel that there are costumes that aren't comfortable to wear, like for example characters that wear high heel, or characters with long hair, as wearing long wig isn't only warm, but also difficult to maintain (from tangling).

V Kanon mentioned that after 4 years of Cosplaying, she still love this hobby. Through this hobby, she learned to socialise, picked up make-up skill, dressing up, as well as making accessories.

Another wrong mention -w-;;;

In March, I did my very first Question and Answer Video ! One of the questions I received was: "Since when did V start cosplaying and Why does V love cosplayingfrom Esa Bakti W!

I started Cosplaying in year 2013, AFASG Day 2 to be exact! So this year is only my third year 'w'

She mentioned that she will not stop liking this hobby anytime soon, since every 3 or 4 months, there are at least 10 new anime released in Japan as well as new characters.

Regarding the public, V Kanon wishes each Coser, whether they just started Cosing or a senior, to remember that no matter what, this hobby is 'for fun'. Just because a coser is wearing costume, it doesn't mean that the coser him/herself can just anyhow put on make-up, thinking that no one would recognise he/she. How the public look at Cosplay also depend on how each Coser behaves

(FYI my favourite quote is "Action speaks louder than words" :3)

Cosplayer usually really focus on the characters that they love, like for example (V loving) Elsa from Frozen. "I really like Elsa," she said, while mentioning that she would love to try Cosplaying character from Marvel.

Elsa from Frozen. Picture by Faivon Creative Works (2015)

I-I actually mentioned more Disney characters or DC characters b-but they wrote Marvel /cries

According to her, Cosplay is actually trying to adapt one's favourite fictional character into the real world.

Regarding satisfaction, usually a Coser feels happy when the costume she/he is wearing is being recognised by people around.

Actually, this doesn't mean that I'm only happy when I wear costume of a "famous" character. Honestly, I do receive more "likes" in my FB page and Instagram when I Cosplay Elsa compared to when I Cosplay Tama but that is minor detail for me.
I'm happy when anyone can recognise the character that I'm cosing, whether it's from game, anime, cartoon or manga. The costume (accessories, wig color) does take part but if my make-up, pose, facial expression, "aura" aren't building the character's traits, then I'm up for Halloween but not Cosplaying xD
Of course I don't expect everyone to watch/follow exactly every single series that I like (everyone has their own preferences) but that's what I have in mind :>

AFASG 2015 >w< with YingTze <3

I do have a number of role models in the Cosplay Scenes, and I honestly respect most Coser who make their own costume (since I can't)
But it doesn't mean that I find only Cosplayer who make their own costume are respectable Cosplayers
Another thing that makes me idolise a Cosplayer is when he/she can attract me to check out the series which the character she/he is cosing comes from :>

There are some minor mistakes in the article but I hope my point of view is expressed to everyone.
What I wanna show most is I love this hobby, I'm happy that more people are loving this hobby, thus I wish public to understand better what Cosplay is!
I have a lot to improve on, a lot of characters I wanna Cosplay, a lot of characters I wanna re-Cos!
So.....I'm really not stopping anytime soon >D

(P.S daily Cosplay photo updates in my WorldCos page! <3)

Misa Amane from Death Note. Picture by Zwei <3 (2016)

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