Thursday, 11 February 2021

11 February 2021

Thank you for all the kind support and messages and comments regarding my decision to come back ;w;

Before travelling back to March 2020 (where my last update was), lemme jot down what I have in mind during the last 24hrs!

1. I'm not a serious person but my writing regarding 2021 goals make me sound like one ;w;
It's just that after so long, I learned that having a goal is super important.
What comes next is 'starting the first step' such as getting table and chair to stop me from getting discouraged from staring at my PC w on serious note, started to read my textbooks' pages up to 20 pages one day @_@
But yes, I'm someone that is HORRIBLE without a DEADLINE
That's a big reason why I can't commit to my SNS too
At the end SNS and Cosplay ended up as my hobby = I don't need to rush I don't have deadline..
Studying wise, it's the reason why I'm bad with self-study
Thus having dates = goals mean a lot to me!

2. I received suggestion of changing my blog's colour
It's not that I don't want. I understand that RedXBlack is not the friendliest to the eyes
But I can't
I've been doing this for ages
And I've been using colours for numbers, names, places..
If I change background to white and select all font to black, everything's gone
That's all I can say
I can't please everyone ;-; even if one just come to see the photos and not bothered with the writing, I'm already super duper thankful ;-;

3. How is second state of emergency in Japan
I'm actually very lucky to be in Japan in this crazy period of time, aka COVID19 since last year's March
I got government's subsidy, got a baito that leads to my full time work for this year, still can travel, have shelter have food not lacking of basic needs
I can say it's 90% perfect that the first time I really felt affected was in December2020, when numbers kept on going up that I was asked to not come to baito as often
But that is over though second state of emergency only started from second week of January
What changed is restaurants now close at 8PM
Nothing changed, just more time at home = I started studying (and yay blogging)
I'd sometime cook more though supermarket is pretty much empty by 7.30 =w=
I can't do much eating outside after baito as it ends at 18.30 and restaurants' last order is mostly 19.30
But that's about it.
I do miss my family especially now as this is my first time, in life, not celebrating CNY even with my parents (they came last year in January). I miss reunion dinner as my cousin will leave me my favorite food ;w;
But I think I'm at my most productive state right now. Let's do our best!

4. Child Coaching Advisor & English Instructor License?!
Adulting part 1; I start to enjoy learning or reading about self-improvement LOL
While learning about Coaching, I also learned the difference with Consulting that I got a little interest in Child Consultant License too w
I have mixed feeling about these license though, as mainly they are actually pretty easy to get (pay for books -> self study -> exam at home where it's ok for you to check your notes). They even have promotion like instead of 100thousands yen, I can get 2 licenses for half the prince..
Of course they are useful if I want to forever stay in education, especially the English Instructor one in my opinion as it's a practice of my Japanese. I really look forward to it..
But my main reason is for my own self confidence. I totally have no background in teaching and in my work, a lot is self taught and we got the non-orthodox way and a lot of learn by doing @-@

5. Financial Planner? @_@
It's the opposite version of book-keeping or accounting as this is more for individuals
Income, Tax, Insurance, Pension
If you are shocked, you are not alone as my friend also wondered why I need them for my baito
Well, we do want to teach kids money but..
Whether she means it or not, I always think my boss do give good suggestions and this is one
I'd never touch Financial thingy, until she pointed it out
And would never find out that it's actually interesting to learn
I may not need it in my work (it's more like for people working in insurance industry @@)
But I enjoy learning it as now I understand more about tax (mainly deduction w) and incentives as I need to do my own finance since I'm living abroad alone
It's also fun to learn as a lot of the keywords actually appear in real life. Due to staying at home too much, I'd watch some news in YouTube too and I understand more topics now by learning this w
At the end, I just love studying what I think is practical

Alright.. As always, I can't stop writing once I start
Time to go to the real post...
But before that, there's an announcement (and help) I'd like to make

My partner is making a card game and I'm helping with his SNS. Very soon, there'll be Kickstarter link for this project.
On his behalf, I'd like to ask for everyone's support m(_ _)m
That's all w

As always, thank you for reading, stay safe xoxo hugs and kisses lots of love take care always! >w<

1 comment:

  1. I'm really glad to hear that you are safe during the state of emergency in Japan. Of course current situation is so hard but you have done well, V!!! I'm also sure you can be more productive on this year.
